Annual Events


The 2025 Grandparents' Day is scheduled for Monday, April 28, D.V.

Every April, LCS hosts our annual Grandparents' & Senior Supporters Appreciation Luncheon. This is a special day where students invite their grandparents or a 'special senior' to lunch and short program. Following is an opportunity for classroom visits and fellowship. If your child(ren) does not have grandparents that are able to attend, we encourage you to contact the office and we'll make arrangements with grandparents in our area who would be thrilled to 'adopt' a grandchild for the day.

Grandparents receive their own special newsletter twice per year. This newsletter is tailored especially for our Grandparents and Senior Supporters. If your child(ren)'s grandparents would like to receive this newsletter, please let the office know.

Annual Spring Drive

Every year, our LCS Society is given the opportunity to participate in the annual Spring Drive to raise funds for our school. Your support will ensure that we can continue to offer quality Christian Education in the Lacombe area, while keeping tuition costs at an affordable level for everyone. You can direct your gift in the following areas:

  • Capital Fund (mortgage)
  • Facility Upgrades
  • Tuition Relief
  • Endowment Fund
  • General Fund (day to day operations)
  • Transportation

Government funding for independent schools in Alberta covers only a part of the school's operating costs. Tuition only covers the educational component of educating. The funds raised through this drive goes toward capital expenditures such as land and outbuildings.

To Donate Online Click Here.

Christmas Program

Held the second last week before Christmas holidays, the grades K-6 music students participate in our annual Christmas Program. This event is held at the Seventh Day Adventist Church at Burman University, where we gather as a school community to worship and celebrate Christ's birth.

Annual School Auction

The 2025 School Auction is scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2025.

Normally, this is our biggest family social event of the year! Supper is prepared by parent volunteers and served in the West Campus Gym starting at 5pm (prices are announced in the March School Newsletter). The silent auction and live auction begin at 6pm. All of the items on the auction block are donated by local families and businesses, and we are truly overwhelmed by the generosity shown to LCS through the years. The proceeds from this evening are used by the Board for different projects or needs the school may have, which varies from year to year.

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