Enrollment Process
We offer a welcoming and practical application process. Enrollment of children is open to all parents who are in accord with the character of the school, as it is outlined in our Parent Handbook. We encourage interested families to call or stop in at the school to arrange a tour of our facilities, as well as pick up an Information Package. Alternately, you can print the Information Package from this website for your perusal.
We declare that:
- Lacombe Christian School exists to educate primarily the children of Christian parents.
- Admission is available to all students whose parents agree with the aim and purpose of the school.
- No child on the grounds of race, colour, or national origin be excluded from admission to LCS.
- The Board may limit enrollment.
Step 1 - Application Process
Your completed Student Application Form can be dropped off at the school office or sent in by email, mail or fax. Please note that prospective students' birth certificates (photocopies are acceptable) must be included with the application. You will receive a follow-up phone call from our office upon receipt of your application.
Step 2 - Interview Process
To ensure harmony between what is taught at home and school, all parents who wish to enroll their children at LCS will be visited by two members of the Board, as well as a visit with our Principal. Normally, both parents should be present at the Board visit and the Principal meeting. Parents will be expected to demonstrate a lifestyle that will be reflective of their beliefs of the Word of God and the principles and educational creed of the school. Once the interview process is complete, a Board member will contact the family as quickly as possible to advise of their decision.
Application Forms & Information
If you have any questions regarding these forms, please contact the office at 403-782-6531.
Tuition Information
Compare the cost of a Christian Education to the value of a Christian Education. It is not a 'cost' but an investment. Investing in quality, Christian Education will enable your child to reap the reward of this stable foundation many times over throughout their life. Government funding for independent schools in Alberta covers only a part of the school's operating costs, hence the charging of tuition.
For the 2024/2025 school year tuition fees are:
- $6,120.00 per family (includes Kindergarten through Grade 9 students).
- $4,590.00 per family with children also attending Central Alberta Christian High School.
There is no tuition fee for E.C.S. There is a $1,300 suggested donation per family if the only child is in Kindergarten. Please note that there is a donation receipt issued in February each year, which offsets the initial cost of the tuition amount. For more information regarding this donation receipt, please contact the school office 403-782-6531.
Financial assistance is available to families who are in need.
The tuition amount only covers the educational component of your child(ren)'s education. Our Annual Spring Drive is held each year across the entire supporting community. The money raised through this drive goes toward capital expenditures such as land and buildings.
Information Package
Discover Lacombe Christian School and its history, values and education.
New Family Application
If you are registering your child(ren) for Lacombe Christian School for Playschool through to Grade 9, you are required to print and fill out the following P-9 Registration Package.
- P-9 Registration Package(Registration & Tuition Info)
Existing Family Application
If you are already have a child(ren) attending LCS, and you would like to register additional child(ren) for Playschool through Grade 9, you are only required to print and fill out the following:
- P-9 Registration Package (existing LCS families)
Student Supplies List
Find what books, binders, arts and supplies all the students will require during the school year.
Busing Information
All transportation costs are included in tuition.
Transportation is available to residents within the busing district through the Wolf Creek School Division. Alternate transportation is available to those outside the district, through Prairie Bus Lines. Busing for children within the Town of Lacombe is also available. If you have any questions regarding the busing area where you live, simply contact the school office.
If you have any questions regarding these forms, please contact the office at 403-782-6531.