What is the LCS Endowment Fund?
An Endowment is a permanent gift that is invested, and only the interest earned can be used by Lacombe Christian School each year. The principal (initial investment) is never spent, it remains invested.
This allows the generous donation to become a legacy, a gift that will last for years and generations to come.
This is a gift that keeps on giving.
With thanks to previous generous donations to the Lacombe Christian School Endowment Fund, our current Endowment Fund balance is $743,132.45.
By wise estate planning, all of us can help leave a Christian education legacy for future generations.
Christian Stewardship Services works in partnership with LCS to support and ensure a strong financial future through Stewardship consulting and Planned Giving. Would you like to continue to support your Christian School for many years to come?
To receive further information please call the school office to get in contact with member from our Endowment Fund Committee. 403-782-6531
To Donate Online Click Here.