Complimentary Courses

Students in Grades 6-9 can choose courses in order of their preference from 1 to 9 - and we try our best to accommodate students' preferences, as space is available. Each course runs for one term, and there are 3 terms per year. At the end of each term, students will move to a new course (students are not able to take the same course twice in one year). There are a limited number of spaces available for each course, and students may not get their first or second choices at all in a year. These are the courses for the upcoming 2023/24 school year:


God has gifted us with the ability and desire to express ourselves creatively in many forms. In this class, students will express their creativity in a hands-on way through hand-building with clay. Students will learn about the properties of clay and will apply their knowledge by building various clay projects. These projects will include basic hand-building techniques, including slab methods, pinch pots, coils, and use of forms. Students will explore creating textures, patterning and painting with underglazes, stencils, stamps, and other techniques. All projects will be glazed, fired, and can be taken home.

Cardmaking & Scrapbooking (Term 3)

Because we believe every student possesses some form of creative ability, we have been looking for different ways for them to express it. In this basic introduction to cardmaking and scrapbooking, the students will explore their creativity by learning about some basic techniques such as - use of color, stamping, embossing, the use of embellishments, shapes, journaling and a variety of page layouts. Using a variety of materials and tools, students will practice making cards for every occasion and laying out their pictures on a scrapbook page in such a way that it tells a story. Students will be asked to bring in pictures to create a scrapbook page.

Digital Media Studies

In this option, students will have an opportunity to work with a variety of digital media including digital photos, web pages, logos, brochures and posters. Using digital cameras and a variety of software, students will have the opportunity to create, edit and publish digital products on paper and to the web. Content for these products will be drawn from the daily activities going on at the school. Some examples could be creating a web page to cover a field day or creating posters to advertise upcoming school events.


Students will learn about safety and sanitation in the kitchen, how to follow recipes, cooking terms and measuring. The majority of the time will be spent in the kitchen using these skills while preparing delicious meals and desserts.

Woodworking (Terms 1 & 2)

* Grade 8 & 9 only. In this complementary course, students will be heading over to the Central Alberta Christian High School woodworking shop. There, they will learn shop safety, use of hand and power tools, and construct small wood projects. All projects that the students make are theirs to keep, as a reminder of their woodworking experience.


This option will focus on music appreciation, playing instruments, and singing. We will develop the skills necessary to build and strengthen singing ability, playing rhythm instruments and general music technique. Our sessions will include a combination of singing, listening, sight singing, rhythm exercises, drumming and rehearsing.

Sports Performance

The focus of Sports Performance is to provide those involved and interested in sports with an opportunity to build fundamental skills needed in athletics. By working intentionally on drills and conditioning needed in a variety of sports, students will be able to transfer this skill development into extracurricular activities they are involved in. Specific attention will be given to volleyball, basketball, badminton, cross country, track and field, as well as strength and conditioning.


In small teams, students will learn and practice simple computer programming and mechanical design by building robots using the latest LEGO Mindstorms technology. The step-by-step projects will teach the basics and lead to more creative technical challenges. No prior programming experience required!

Board Games

Throughout this option, students would be exposed to a variety of board games and card games that would help students build problem solving, strategy, and team building skills. The goal of this option would also be to build community throughout Junior High. Close reading skills also would be further developed, as students would have to read instructions for each game before playing. Each week will focus on a different category of board/card games. The games will be supplied by the school.

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